Saturday, July 30, 2011

Path of Hope

The thoughts are drizzled by the rain outside,
Steps, covered by the mud, are hard to follow.
Feelings swing with the breeze, some are set aside,
And we raise once again, one more step towards tomorrow.

A dark moon casts its shadow, the solitude of a long night,
We look back, trying to comprehend, so many memories.
The shadows are tricks played on the mind by a tired eyesight,
And is when eyes are closed to illusions that we better see life’s glories.

We grow wild into the night, age, and cry like a wolf,
Because spring is gone, and we’re shedding old ideas in the fall.
We dug deep into the past, bury it, and let go,
The fears are cast aside, and we’re renewed through it all.

The pains of shedding an old skin, my friend,
Are to be faced with quiet courage, and embraced.
The full moon will light the path on the sand,
A path of hope, an inheritance to be traced.

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